(ZIS-6, ZIS-10, ZIS-11, ZIS-12, ZIS-13, ZIS-14, ZIS-15, ZIS-S1, ZIS-21, ZIS-22, ZIS-30, ZIS-32, ZIS-33, ZIS-42, ZIS-44, ZIS-50)

SovAvto Website.


Before AMO (Avtomobilnoe Moskovskoe Obshchestvo [Moscow Autombile Enterprise]) was rebuilt in 1931 it produced AMO-F-15 -- the first Soviet truck. After the reconstruction, production of AMO-2 began, it looked similar to ZIS-5. Soon, however, by 1932, after improvements to AMO-2; AMO-3 and AMO-4 were put on the assembly line. In 1933-1934 AMO was rebuilt again and became known as ZIS (Zavod Imeni Stalina [Stalin's Plant]). Thus, AMO no longer existed, but ZIS began production of its first truck -- ZIS-5. ZIS-5 was based on an american Autocar truck. In 1941 the production line at ZIS was stopped and moved to Ulianovsk [UAZ] and to Miass [UralZIS/UralAZ]. UAZ-ZIS produced ZIS-5 from 1942-1944. By 1942 the main ZIS located in Moscow restarted production of ZIS-5 and continued until 1947. The new UralZIS plant in Miass started the production line of UralZIS-5 in summer of 1944 and put their own logos on the radiators, continuing production until 1955. Also important to notice is that from 1942 all ZIS-5 were outfitted with flat fenders and wooden doors and seats. During the war years, just like GAZ-AA, ZIS-5 had its bumper and right headlight removed. Then, in 1947-1948 along with the new ZIS-150 truck, a modified ZIS-5, indexed as ZIS-50, was made with the new ZIS-150 engine. In 1955 UralZIS modified UralZIS-5 (ZIS-5), giving it a new engine and more aerodynamical fenders, and naming it UralZIS-355. In 1956, however, shortly after Stalin's death some criticism for not following in Lenin's footsteps prompted the factory to be renamed ZIL (Zavod imeni Lihacheva [Lihachev's Plant]).


Model ZIS-5 ZIS-6 ZIS-10 ZIS-21 ZIS-42
Seating 2
Net-weight, kg [lb] 3,100 [6,820] 4,230 [9,310] 2,780 [6,120] 3,700 [8,140] 5,250 [11,550]
Full load weight, kg [lb] 6,100 [13,420] 8,230 [18,110] on paved roads/ 6,730 [14,810] on dirt roads - 6,200 [13,640] 7,500 [16,500]
Load weight, kg [lb] 3,000 [6,600] 4,000 [8,800] on paved roads/ 2,500 [5,500] on dirt roads - 2,500 [5,500] 2,250 [4,950]
Total trailer weight, kg [lb] - - 6,000 [13,200] - -
Length, mm [in.] 6060 [239] - 5350 [211] 6060 [239] 6095 [240]
Width, mm [in.] 2235 [88] 2145 [84] 2260 [89] 2360 [93]
Height, mm [in.] 2160 [85] 2260 [89] 2950 [116]
Base, mm [in.] 3810 [150] 3900 [154] 3810 [150]
Minimal clearance, mm [in.] 250 [9.8] under rear axle - 250 [9.8] under rear axle 245 [9.6] 395 [15.6]
Minimal radius of turn, m [yards] - - - - -
Maximum speed, km/h [mi/h] 60 [37] 55 [34] 48 [30] 45 [28] 35-45 [22-28]
Maximum horsepower, hp [kW] 73 [54] @ 2,300 rpm 45 [34] @ 2,400 rpm 73 [54] @ 2,300 rpm
Maximum torque, N·m [lb·ft] 28.5 [185] 20 [130] 28.5 [185]
Engine displacement, liters [cc] 5.55 [5,555]
Compression ratio 4.6:1 7.0:1 4.6:1
Gear ratios 4 gears
Main gear ratio - - - - -
Mileage, liters/100km [mi/gal] 34 [6.9] 41 [5.7] 90 [3.2]* 60 [3.9]
Acceleration time from 0-100 km/h [62 mi/h], seconds - - - - -
Breaking distance, m [yards] - - - - -
Fuel tank capacity, liters [gal] 60 [16] - 65 [17] A-66 - 300 [79] A-66
Years of production 1934-1944 1934-1945 1934-1936 1939-1944 1942-1943
Type of engine ZIS-5, 6 cyl., carb., 4-tact 6 cyl., gas operated, 4-tact ZIS-5, 6 cyl., carb., 4-tact
Bore/Stroke, mm [in.] 101.6 [4.00]/ 114.3 [4.50]
Wheel formula 4 X 2 6 X 4 4 X 2 semi-caterpillar
Pictures See below [too many to fit here]

*the numbers for ZIS-21 fuel economy are in kg/100 km [lb/mi] of wood.


Here is the ZIS-5 family. Some of the family members were produced in Miass (UralZIS).

Model Type of body Years of production Major difference from base model ZIS-5 (as detailed above) Pictures
ZIS-5 board platform 1934-1944 this is the base model (see in table above) (50 KB color, front view [4]), (3 KB b/w, front view [3]), (16 KB color, rear view, 1938 [28]), (19 KB color, side view, 1938 [28]), (30 KB b/w, front view, ZIS-5V [16]), (17 KB b/w, side view, ZIS-5V [16]), (16 KB b/w, side view [104]), (69 KB color, front view, drawing [106])
ZIS-6 board platform 1934-1945 6 X 4, therefore longer base, heavier (see in table above) (56 KB b/w, side view [24]), (31 KB b/w, side/front view [ZIS-5 and ZIS-6] [1]), (37 KB b/w, front view, "Katyusha" BM-13 [4]), (124 KB color, side view, fire truck [1940 model] [28]), (24 KB b/w, front view, drawing, firing rockets [103]), (56 KB color, side view, drawing [106])
ZIS-8 bus 1934-1938 ZIS-8 (30 KB color, side view [3]), (17 KB b/w, side view [1]), (136 KB b/w, front view [10]), (69 KB color, side view [10]), (9 KB b/w, side view [104]), (13 KB b/w, side view [104]), (25 KB b/w, side view [16]), (20 KB b/w, front view, bus depo in Moscow [104]), (61 KB color, side view, drawing [106])
ZIS-10 tractor 1934-1936 (see in table above) (50 KB color, side view, drawing [106]), (10 KB b/w, side view, tractor w/ trailer [1])
ZIS-11 mostly firefighter's cistern, but some w/ board platform 1935-1941 long base, fire truck model [PMZ-11] has 360L [95 gal.] cistern, 14 crew seats (13 KB b/w, front view [board platform] [28]), (103 KB color, front view [fire truck PMZ-11] [68]), (33 KB b/w, front view [fire truck] [16])
ZIS-12 board platform (?) extra long base (13 KB color, side view, scale model [28])
ZIS-14 board platform 1934 (?) extra long base (15 KB b/w, side view [3])
ZIS-13 board platform 1936-1939 gas generator engine (53 KB color, side view, drawing [3])
ZIS-15 board platform 1939 prototype replacement for ZIS-5, interrupted by WWII, very different (47 KB b/w, side view, drawing [7]), (89 KB color, front view, drawing [3])
ZIS-22 board platform 1938-1942 semi-caterpillar -
ZIS-21 board platform 1939-1944 gas generator engine, (see in table above) (56 KB b/w, side views [ZIS-21, ZIS-32, ZIS-42] [1]), (11 KB b/w, front view [104]), (7 KB b/w, side view, drawing, longer wheelbase, extra axle [104]), (12 KB b/w, side view, drawing [103])
ZIS-30 board platform 1941 gas operated engine -
ZIS-32 board platfrom 1941 4 X 4 (56 KB b/w, side views [ZIS-21, ZIS-32, ZIS-42] [1]), (5 KB b/w, front view [3]), (130 KB color, side view, drawing [3])
ZIS-33 bus ? ? (68 KB b/w, side view [7])
ZIS-42 board platform 1942 semi-caterpillar, (see in table above) (56 KB b/w, side views [ZIS-21, ZIS-32, ZIS-42] [1]), (38 KB b/w, side view [4]), (32 KB b/w, side view [4]), (32 KB b/w, side view [16]), (158 KB color, side view, drawing [3]), (13 KB b/w, side view, drawing, w/ gun trailer [103]), (71 KB color, side view, drawing [106])
ZIS-42M board platform 1943-1944 semi-caterpillar, ZIS-16 engine (ZIS-16 engine parameters) photos same as ZIS-42
ZIS-44 van - - (26 KB b/w, side view [16])
UralZIS-5 board platform 1944-1955 similar to ZIS-5, Ural engine (83 KB color, front view, PMZ-11 [68])
ZIS-50 board platform 1946-1951 ZIS-150 engine -
UralZIS-21A board platform 1946-1952 same as ZIS-21 (33 KB b/w, side view [4]), (10 KB b/w, side view [7])
ZIS-S1 dump truck 1947-1949 ? -
UralZIS-352 board platform 1952-1956 very similar to ZIS-21 -


Vehicles with ZIS-16 engines. I consider them different from the large family of ZIS-5, but what links them together is ZIS-42M which had a ZIS-16 engine.

Model Type of body Years of production difference from base model ZIS-5 Pictures
ZIS-16 bus 1938-1942 ZIS-16, everything is different (27 KB color, side view [4]), (11 KB b/w, rear view [5]), (17 KB b/w, side view [1]), (19 KB b/w, side view [ZIS-16S] ambulance, 10 seats/10 stretchers, 1939-1945, 5,000 kg [1]), (17 KB color, monument [7]), (18 KB b/w, front view [103]), (21 KB b/w, front view, at a factory [104]), (58 KB color, side view, drawing [106]), (19 KB color, side view, stamp [29])
ZIS-LUX bus 1934 ZIS-16, everything is different (89 KB color, front view [3])
ZIS-17 bus 1939 prototype replacement for ZIS-16, interrupted by WWII, very different (56 KB b/w, side view, drawing [based on ZIS-15] [7])



Page created on Friday, February 19, 1999. Page last updated on Sunday, February 10, 2002 02:03:22 AM EST.