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Model  Ural-355 Ural-355M
Seating 2 2
Net-weight, kg 3150 3400
Full load weight, kg 6150 7050
Load weight, kg 3000 3500
Total trailer weight, kg - -
Length, mm - 6290
Width, mm - 2280
Height, mm - 2095
Base, mm - 3824
Minimal clearance, mm - 262
Minimal radius of turn, m - 8.6
Maximum speed, km/h 70 75
Maximum horsepower, hp 85 95
Engine capacity, liters 5.55 5.55
Gear ratios - 1-6.60/2-3.74/3-1.84/4-1.00/R-7.63
Main gear ratio - 6.27
Mileage, liters/100km 33 24 (at speed 30-40 km/h)
Breaking distance, m - -
Fuel tank capacity, liters - 110 (A-66)
Years of production 1956-1958 1958-1965
Type of engine 6 cyl., carb., 4-tact Ural-353A, 4-tact., 6 cyl., carb.
Wheel formula 4 X 2 4 X 2
Pictures  - 48 KB (b/w, side view, diagram w/ tech info [1])

75 KB (b/w, side view [3])

12 KB (b/w, side view [104])

In 1956 Ural-355 [1956-1958], with looks and parts radically different from its predecessor's Ural-352, came to the assembly line. Later, in 1958, Ural-355 was modified to Ural-355M [1958-1965].


Page created on Wednesday, December 23, 1998. Page last updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:36:31 PM EST.