General Overview of ZAZ-968 Engine
All engine models are carburetor, 4-tact, over-head valve (OHV), V4, 1,197 cc
with distributor drive shaft have 4 separate cylinders mounted in pairs at 90°
angle. They are air cooled from axle ventilator, located in the engine
crankcase. The basic engine model is MeMZ-968Z (41 hp). MeMZ-968GEi (45 hp)
differs from the base model by a new bi-cameral carburetor DAAZ 2101-20 and a
new exhaust pipe. MeMZ-968BEi (50 hp) differs by the same element along with new
design of cylinder heads with smaller combustion chamber.
[112] |
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ìàñëîî÷èñòèòåëÿ. |
The cylinders and cylinder heads have rough surface which allows for
increased cooling area. The engine design is easy in servicing. All component
that may require tuning are in easily accessible places. Uni-cameral carburetor
allows for economical, certain start-up and smooth function of the engine right
after start-up. With well charged battery, correct tuning of the ignition system
and winter engine oil, the engine starts from the starter, without pre-heating
at -15°C, from 1-2 tries. The lubrication system has centrifuge oil filter. The
engine oil has a number of additives that result in good lubrication,
anti-oxidization and functionality in a big range of temperatures. The cylinders
are numbered from the ventilator.
MeMZ-968Z |
MeMZ-968GEi |
MeMZ-968BEi |
type of engine |
4-tact, carburetor, ohv, air cooled |
cylinders |
4 (V-shaped) |
bore, mm |
76 |
engine displacement, cc |
1,197 |
compression ratio |
7.2:1 |
8.4:1 |
maximum power out-put, hp |
41 @ 4,400 rpm |
45 @ 4,500 rpm |
50 @ 4,500 rpm |
maximum torque, kgs-m |
7.8 @ 3,500 rpm |
7.8 @ 3,500 rpm |
8.3 @ 3,600 rpm |
minimum rpm |
1,000 |
cylinder work order |
1-3-4-2 |
minimal fuel usage, g/l-s-h |
260 |
245 |
238 |
recommended fuel |
A-76 |
A-76 |
Ai-93 |
The power aggregate has a compact structure and is mounted to the car
on 3 supports. The front support is a welded cross-beam bar attached to
clutch crankcase. This cross-beam is attached, with 2 brackets and shock
absorbing rubbers, to the wall of motor compartment. These supports take
the main static and dynamic pressure of the power aggregate. The
cross-beam of the rear support is located under the body. This
cross-beam is attached, with a bracket and rubber shock absorbers, to
the rear cover of the gearbox. The rear support of the power aggregate
takes small load, but holds the power aggregate in longitudinal position
during acceleration and braking. In order to decrease noise level, the
supports are designed in such a way as not to contact with metal parts
of the body. |