
On Gleb's Soviet Car Industry Website.


Model MAZ-530
Seating 2
Net-weight, kg [lb] 38,400 [84,480]
Full load weight, kg [lb] 78,400 [172,480]
Load weight, kg [lb] 40,000 [88,000]
Total trailer weight, kg -
Length, mm [in.] 10,520 [414]
Width, mm [in.] 3460 [136]
Height, mm [in.] 3670 [144]
Base, mm [in.] 4900 [193] (2000[79] in rear)
Minimal clearance, mm [in.] 460 [18] (beneath rear+middle axles)
Minimal radius of turn, m [yards] 14 [15.4]
Maximum speed, km/h [mi/h] 43 [26.7]
Maximum horsepower, hp [kW] 450 [336] (@ 1800 rpm)
Engine capacity, liters [cm3] 38.8 [38,800]
Gear ratios 3.36/1.83/1.00/R-2.6
Main gear ratio 22.284 [high-0.774, low-1.57]
Mileage, liters/100km [mi/gal] 200 [1.2] (@ 30 km/h)
Breaking distance, m -
Fuel tank capacity, liters [gal] 600 [159]
Years of production 1957-1960 [1963]*
Type of engine D-12A450, V12, 4-tact, diesel
Wheel formula 6 X 4
Pictures 48 KB (b/w, side view w/ technical info [1])

30 KB (b/w, front view [7])

93 KB (color, side view [7])

The Minsk Automobile Plant manufactured MAZ-530 from 1957-1960. In 1960 the manufacture was handed over to the Belorussian Automobile Plant after which these trucks became publically known as BelAZ. The manufacture stoped completely in 1963.

The drivers of these trucks had the comfort of a heated interior, adjustable seat, pneumatic brakes, power steering all of which made working with these "monsters" a bit easier.

If you are knowledgable of any other info or have pictures, please contact me

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Trucks: MAZ-200/ MAZ-205/ MAZ-525/ MAZ-501/ MAZ-502/ MAZ-530/ MAZ-500, MAZ-503, MAZ-504, MAZ-509, MAZ-511/ MAZ-533-5, MAZ-533-66, MAZ-533-7/ MAZ-543-23, MAZ-543-31/ MAZ-554-9, MAZ-555-1/ MAZ-642-29, MAZ-843-29/ this page in Russian/ index of MAZes/ index of Soviet cars/ main Welcome page/ Gleb's Biography

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Page created on Tuesday, February 02, 1999. Page last updated on Friday, May 21, 1999 08:56:24 PM EST.