
On Gleb's Soviet Car Industry Website.


Model MAZ-525
Seating 2
Net-weight, kg 24,380
Full load weight, kg 49,520
Load weight, kg 25,000 (volume of body 14.3 m3)
Total trailer weight, kg -
Length, mm 8220
Width, mm 3220
Height, mm 3675
Base, mm 4780
Minimal clearance, mm 460 (under rear axle [700 under front])
Minimal radius of turn, m 13.8
Maximum speed, km/h 30
Maximum horsepower, hp 300 @ 1,500 rpm
Engine capacity, liters 38.8
Gear ratios 7.14/3.53/1.88/1.00//0.72/R-5.10*
Main gear ratio 20.49**
Mileage, liters/100km 135 (at speed of 18-25 km/h)
Breaking distance, m -
Fuel tank capacity, liters 400L (diesel fuel)
Years of production 1951-1959 (from 1959-1965 known as BelAZ)
Type of engine D-12A, V-shaped, 12 cyl., 4-tact, diesel
Wheel formula 4 X 2
Pictures 43 KB (b/w, side view, w/ technical info [1])

76 KB (color, side view, the giant at work [4])

46 KB (b/w, front view, unloading [3])

* The first series of trucks had only four gears.

** The first series of trucks had a main gear ratio of 17.74.

This dump-truck designed for working in quarries with excavators with buckets of volume 4-5 m3. From 1959 to the end in 1965, the production of this giant lorry was transferred from Minsk Automobile Plant to Belorussian Automobile Plant, hense its name, between 1959-1965, was BelAZ. This was one of few Soviet trucks to have hydraulical power steering to make the job of the driver easier.

If you are knowledgable of any other info or have pictures, please contact me

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Page created on Thursday, December 3, 1998. Page last updated on Friday, May 21, 1999 08:49:16 PM EST.