
On Gleb's Soviet Car Industry Website.


Model MAZ-502
Seating 3
Net-weight, kg [lb] 7,700 [16,940]
Full load weight, kg [lb] 11,925 [26,235]
Load weight, kg [lb] 4,000 [8,800]
Total trailer weight, kg -
Length, mm [in.] 7150 [281.5]
Width, mm [in.] 2700 [106]
Height, mm [in.] 2725 [107]
Base, mm [in.] 4520 [178]
Minimal clearance, mm [in.] 350 [13.8] (under rear axle)
Minimal radius of turn, m [yards] 12 [13.2]
Maximum speed, km/h [mi/h] 50 [31]
Maximum horsepower, hp [kW] 135 [101] (@ 2,000 rpm)
Engine capacity, liters [cm3] 4.65 [4650]
Gear ratios 6.17/3.40/1.79/1.00/0.78/R-6.69
Main gear ratio 1.18-high/2.16-low
Mileage, liters/100km [mi/gal] 45 [5.2] (@40 km/h)
Breaking distance, m -
Fuel tank capacity, liters [gal] 225 X 2 [59.4 X 2]
Years of production 1957-1965
Type of engine YaAZ-M204V, 2-tact, 4 cyl., diesel
Wheel formula 4 X 4
Pictures 51 KB (b/w, side view w/ technical info [1])

70 KB (color, front view [7])

27 KB (color, side view, drawing [7])

The drivers of these trucks had the comfort of a heated interior, which was a luxury for Soviet trucks in 1950s.

If you are knowledgable of any other info or have pictures, please contact me

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Trucks: MAZ-200/ MAZ-205/ MAZ-525/ MAZ-501/ MAZ-502/ MAZ-530/ MAZ-500, MAZ-503, MAZ-504, MAZ-509, MAZ-511/ MAZ-533-5, MAZ-533-66, MAZ-533-7/ MAZ-543-23, MAZ-543-31/ MAZ-554-9, MAZ-555-1/ MAZ-642-29, MAZ-843-29/ this page in Russian/ index of MAZes/ index of Soviet cars/ main Welcome page/ Gleb's Biography

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Page created on Tuesday, February 02, 1999. Page last updated on Friday, May 21, 1999 08:45:36 PM EST.